Community education: the DC regional gsa (gay-straight allia
Community education: the DC regional gsa (gay-straight alliance/ gender and sexualities alliance) network harnesses the power of gsas and lgbtq students to make schools safer for all. The gsa network is made up of high school, middle school and, college gsa members and student leaders, as well as lgbtq and ally students. We also connect with and provide assistance to teachers, staff, administrators, community members and partners to start and grow local gsas.
Service Area:
No locations for this program
Parent Organization
Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League
Washington, DCMission
Smyal's mission is to support and empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (lgbtq) youth in the washington, DC metropolitan region. Through youth leadership, smyal creates opportunities for lgbtq youth to build self-confidence, develop critical life skills, and engage their peers and community through service and advocacy. Committed to social change, smyal builds, sustains and advocates for programs, policies and services that lgbtq youth need as they grow into adulthood.
EINEIN: 521394900
Revenue: $4569751
Expenses: $4114436
Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League